What I've been up to, and a few plugs


So I’ve been really silent on here for quite some time, but I’ve been very busy. Despite the long period of inactivity, the blog continues to get quite a few hits, so I thought it time to update everyone on what’s been happening.

First, the personal stuff: For starters, I got married late last year. I now have a wonderful wife and an awesome stepdaughter, both of whom I love dearly.

I also helped coordinate two moves, as I bought a home for my new family to live in. All of this activity fell around the Christmas holiday, give or take a week or two, so in retrospect: Yes, we were crazy to attempt all of that at once, and yes, it was totally worth it.

As for the professional stuff: I started working at Mission Data last year. MD is an awesome web design and development shop here in Louisville. We have a really talented group of people here, and we do a lot of Rails work, so if you’re looking to have a Rails project tackled, please get in touch.

SInce joining Mission Data, I’ve been the primary developer on Stream That Cause, a web-based fundraising site, and LouisvilleRealtors.com, a real estate search engine for the Louisville Metro area provided by the Greater Louisville Association of Realtors. You should go check them out if you get some free time.

In my personal time, I’ve done some dabbling with an unreleased Facebook app built around social storytelling, and a web-based markup tool for inductive Bible study.

I’ve been meaning to do a revisit of my old Simple Model Search with Rails post, since I’ve done some major rework to my standard Search model since then, mainly aimed at putting more power in our designers’ hands for building search forms. I still have to do a bit of cleanup to the sample code, though, since it’s currently too tightly coupled to the codebase I’m using it in. Look for that sometime soon.

That’s it for now. Happy coding!

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